Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Friday, January 29, 2016

Ski Day

When you are homeschooled, it is easy to go on adventures on school days.  

Husband took Spencer on a ski day.  It was Spencer's first time.  He took a lesson and then was off.  Husband took video and I couldn't believe how well Spencer did on his first time.  

It was nearly thirty years ago that I went to this very same ski resort for my first time on the slopes.  What a life this is...

Monday, January 25, 2016

Anabelle's Birthday

Anabelle is 17 today!  

We got to have a visit with her for an hour on Saturday.  Lots of travel, short visit, still worth it.

I was only allowed to bring cupcakes and lunch.  (I couldn't even have my phone or a book or anything else with me.)

So I made sure to bring the best darn cupcakes I could find.  

I couldn't take a picture of the siblings all together (no phone allowed) but I did take a picture of Trevor, Penelope, and James.  I am extremely blessed to have these children (adults) in my life! 

Papier Mache Earth

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Husband's Project - Second Try

Husband's Project

Husband asked me if I wanted to see the project he was working on.
I may have responded that I wasn't interested if it was some new plan for us to lower the temperature in the house even more.  I'm a cold person.  He is not.
He laughed and brought over his computer.
He had been working on something.  
And it is so sweet.  
He claims it is only slightly narcissistic of me to watch it more than once.  Consider me shallow.
I love this sweet video.  

Baby and His Music

Catching Fish

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Lizard Sitting

We are lizard sitting for some friends. 

                                                  The boys like watching the lizard eat crickets. 

Bubble Fun

Ev got bubbles for Christmas.  He loves bubbles. 

He and his brother were happily playing with them last night...until they ran out.

Take these happy faces and turn them upside down.  Major sadness.  

I rushed off to get bubble filler this morning.

Thanks heavens for early open stores!  

Boys' Fashion Sense

Listen I am no fashion maven or stickler for perfection.  I'm pretty much a t-shirt and capri's kind of girl.  


the combinations the boys' manage to come up with is incredible.  My eyes want to bleed on a daily basis.  Who puts these colors together?! 

Holiday Schedule to Regular Schedule

You know that fun feeling of staying up late while on holiday...and then reality hits and you have to go back to waking up at a decent time?

This kid didn't take to it very well.

Sorry kid.  But this will be the rest of your life...

Chocolate Addiction

It all starts with a fun adventure.  A little chocolate for the taste.  And then...

the chocolate runs out...and the cravings drive you insane.  

And yes.  This is the face he gave me when I said we were done with chocolate for now.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Eve

Trevor and Penelope took a picture as they got ready to go to a New Year's Eve dance.  James went with them.  

I think they had fun, got to be teens at a chaperoned party.  Worked for me.