Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Plant an Herb or Vegetable Garden

 For a scout activity, Riley had to make an herb or vegetable garden.  

We went a little overboard.

We did herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

And here comes trouble...

When we weren't paying close attention to the done seedlings, Ev threw them into the pool.  I was livid.  I do not want pumpkins, watermelons, and chives growing in the pool!  Nor did I want dirt all across the surface of the pool.  Well played, Trouble.  Well played.

We sent the youngest inside to be entertained with less destructive activities, fixed what we could, skimmed the pool of as much dirt and seeds as possible, and finished the rest.

You can't tell but these are actually very nicely labeled.  Riley was so excited he moved them around to water them early this morning so they got a little messy looking.  We are supposed to keep them in partial sun/shade for a few days and then move them to full sun.  Here's to hoping something grows. 

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