Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mario Love

This kid loves Mario.

It's kind of nice that we have a ton of Mario related stuff running around from his older brothers...

While at the park the other day, Ev fell on a hiking trail and got hurt.  He scraped up his head and jacked up his foot.  We waited a little while to see if he bounced back.  He did not so I took him for x-rays.  While in the lobby, waiting for x-rays, this kid was literally bouncing on the couches and acting like a wild animal.  Figures.

We got the x-ray anyway.  Nothing broken, but he did hurt it pretty bad.  The next two days, he wouldn't walk on it at all.  He would hold up his arms to be carried here or there.  By then, I was glad to have gotten the x-ray.  

He was having a particularly hard morning after the fall, so we took every Mario friend we could find to go to Ev's speech appt.

Then I had to carry him and all his friends up a flight of stairs.  Thankfully we made it safe and his friends helped him feel better. 

It's been a half week.  He is still tender and limping but much more mobile. 

Pirate to Builder Scout

I wonder which role is more natural for this kid...


This kid is so dang adorable when he is awake...


He is so dang cute when he is asleep...

School Breakfast

I got up early, earlier than normal, to take this kid to his school breakfast.  You're welcome, kid.  Can't say I never did anything for you.

Friend Time

We got to hang out with the Madmen's the other day.  Always fun, as usual. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cute Sleeper

Mother's Day

Two crowns, two lollipops, and three letters.  I feel so grateful to have my wild pack.

Birthday Boy

Spencer turned 12.

His dad took him to a movie.

And we had a few friends over to play video games and eat cake.  

Ev thought the party size bag of chips was for him.  He growled at anyone who came close. 

Spencer does not like cake.  (Except Grandma's lemon cake.)  But he does like ice cream.  So we got him an ice cream cake.

Happy Birthday, Kiddo!

My Teenager Looks Like...

That's right!  He looks like the kid from Meet the Robinsons!

Image result for meet the robinsons

Oh and he really likes holding babies...

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Boys and Girls

My eighth-grader was at school when a high school color guard came to give a show.  One of the high school girls noticed him.  After the show she asked him out.

His response?

"Um, you know I am in middle school, right?  Plus I am not dating until I am 16.  Oh, and I am mormon."

It was the last comment that made her lose interest.  He said that he was nice when he turned her down.

"Was she cute?" I asked.  (Several years ago he told me how hot he thought this girl was.  When he pointed her out to me, she was in college.  A little fear about his likes evolved.  So I was surprised he was so willing to say no to an older girl.  Maybe she just wasn't cute.)

"Yeah, she was really cute.  Dark hair and everything."

Huh.  Well, let's hope this resolve sticks.  If not, I just have to call his sister, Penelope.  She is dead set against him dating early. In the meantime, it seems like he is getting the message that waiting a little bit might be a good idea.


I was driving the nine year old and one of his friends somewhere.

His friend remarked that all he looks for in a girl is looks.  "She has to be really pretty," he said.

"Nothing else?" I asked.

"Nope.  Just really tall, blonde, blue-eyed, and pretty."

My nine year old spoke up.  "Looks are important.  But she has to have intelligence, kindness, and really like sharks too."

I was dying.  Dying.  I managed not to laugh at their very honest answers.  I'm not sure I would have given a better answer at nine.  Looking back...probably not.  I did always have a thing for dark haired boys.

While I was glad that Riley was looking for something a little more complete, I really hope these boys realize that looks have nothing to do with the person inside, looks fade, and while common interests are important, maybe expanding it out to sea life in general will open up the pool of possibilities.


Boys are so different than girls.  But I have to say I am having a ton of fun (and getting new perspective) while listening to these boys as they talk about their crushes and dating hopes.


Monday, May 2, 2016


Someone got his very own package from his first Momma.  

He was so excited that the box was for him!

He's been playing with his toys every since.  

Thanks L!