This kid loves Mario.
It's kind of nice that we have a ton of Mario related stuff running around from his older brothers...
While at the park the other day, Ev fell on a hiking trail and got hurt. He scraped up his head and jacked up his foot. We waited a little while to see if he bounced back. He did not so I took him for x-rays. While in the lobby, waiting for x-rays, this kid was literally bouncing on the couches and acting like a wild animal. Figures.
We got the x-ray anyway. Nothing broken, but he did hurt it pretty bad. The next two days, he wouldn't walk on it at all. He would hold up his arms to be carried here or there. By then, I was glad to have gotten the x-ray.
He was having a particularly hard morning after the fall, so we took every Mario friend we could find to go to Ev's speech appt.
Then I had to carry him and all his friends up a flight of stairs. Thankfully we made it safe and his friends helped him feel better.
It's been a half week. He is still tender and limping but much more mobile.