Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Boys and Girls

My eighth-grader was at school when a high school color guard came to give a show.  One of the high school girls noticed him.  After the show she asked him out.

His response?

"Um, you know I am in middle school, right?  Plus I am not dating until I am 16.  Oh, and I am mormon."

It was the last comment that made her lose interest.  He said that he was nice when he turned her down.

"Was she cute?" I asked.  (Several years ago he told me how hot he thought this girl was.  When he pointed her out to me, she was in college.  A little fear about his likes evolved.  So I was surprised he was so willing to say no to an older girl.  Maybe she just wasn't cute.)

"Yeah, she was really cute.  Dark hair and everything."

Huh.  Well, let's hope this resolve sticks.  If not, I just have to call his sister, Penelope.  She is dead set against him dating early. In the meantime, it seems like he is getting the message that waiting a little bit might be a good idea.


I was driving the nine year old and one of his friends somewhere.

His friend remarked that all he looks for in a girl is looks.  "She has to be really pretty," he said.

"Nothing else?" I asked.

"Nope.  Just really tall, blonde, blue-eyed, and pretty."

My nine year old spoke up.  "Looks are important.  But she has to have intelligence, kindness, and really like sharks too."

I was dying.  Dying.  I managed not to laugh at their very honest answers.  I'm not sure I would have given a better answer at nine.  Looking back...probably not.  I did always have a thing for dark haired boys.

While I was glad that Riley was looking for something a little more complete, I really hope these boys realize that looks have nothing to do with the person inside, looks fade, and while common interests are important, maybe expanding it out to sea life in general will open up the pool of possibilities.


Boys are so different than girls.  But I have to say I am having a ton of fun (and getting new perspective) while listening to these boys as they talk about their crushes and dating hopes.


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