Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, February 20, 2017

Happy Birthday to My Favorite 15 Year Old Son!

You know you have a seriously cool older brother when he lets you help blow out his birthday candles and open his presents. 

Lincoln Logging

The Great Roller Coaster Engineering Challenge

Spencer has been working with his team for months to learn about engineering concepts in order to create certain outcomes for a roller coaster design.

He and his team won first place!

But I was so proud of everyone.  They all did such a great job!


This kid is a character and fits right in. 

I called him Big Boy Ev the other day.  He got very mad at me and gave me the angry eyes.  Then he said, "I not big boy Ev!  I baby Ev!"


Here is he chilling to the beat of his own drum.

Ev tends to be a bruiser.  He likes rough tackle and play.  But sometimes, he shows a sweet, tender side.

And he knows how to get his way...

He loves to play at the park.

And recently helped me clean out the yellow room.  And by 'clean out' I mean dump all the trash cans back on the floor.  Throw things off the stairwell and get out the toys that I was packing away because he apparently has never had time to play with them before.  It was like pushing wet noodles up a hill. 

We've had the flu rolling through.  Ev finally fell asleep.  This is has been awful for everyone.  Better than stomach flu...but still...my poor baby Ev...