Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, February 20, 2017


This kid is a character and fits right in. 

I called him Big Boy Ev the other day.  He got very mad at me and gave me the angry eyes.  Then he said, "I not big boy Ev!  I baby Ev!"


Here is he chilling to the beat of his own drum.

Ev tends to be a bruiser.  He likes rough tackle and play.  But sometimes, he shows a sweet, tender side.

And he knows how to get his way...

He loves to play at the park.

And recently helped me clean out the yellow room.  And by 'clean out' I mean dump all the trash cans back on the floor.  Throw things off the stairwell and get out the toys that I was packing away because he apparently has never had time to play with them before.  It was like pushing wet noodles up a hill. 

We've had the flu rolling through.  Ev finally fell asleep.  This is has been awful for everyone.  Better than stomach flu...but still...my poor baby Ev...

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