Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, June 19, 2017

Short Haircut

You know how you are cutting your kid's hair and you accidentally pick up the 1 instead of the 2?  No?  Just me?  Ok.

Well my teen was not that happy with me.

He did forgive me.  And pull out a hat.  

Shrek Prep Photos

Monday, June 12, 2017

A Little Slice of Paradise

Amelia Island, Florida

The water was fairly warm.  

There were turtle nests everywhere.

Husband actually relaxed occasionally.

I relaxed totally.  I enjoyed the ocean, creme brulee, plain baked potatoes and salmon, beach combing, the ocean waves, and lots of me time. 

The closest I got to a manatee.  And a killer whale.   

I saw tons of these guys though.  Lots of water turtles. 

And amazing trees.  Perfect for haunting.

Found lots and lots of shells.  A few which are being added to the collection.  The rest are there for other beachcombers.

I took long walks up and down the beach.  Sometimes by myself and once with my husband.  It was lovely! 

They had some very large shells.

My Little Ogre

Monday, June 5, 2017

Trevor Graduates!

I couldn't make it to Trevor's graduation.  It was at an odd time when I needed to already be in three places at once.  But I wanted him to go!  It's a once in a lifetime thing.

So, after Penelope passed her driving test, she was able to drive him out to Moreno Valley for the ceremony.  I asked her to take a ton of pictures and she did.  All while baby was attached to her.  She was a crazy paparazzo for us.  You rock, Penelope!

And we are so proud of you, Trevor!

Penelope's Miracle

Penelope had three weeks before her newly passed permit expired.  That's it.  Then we would have to start over.  Let the driving lessons commence.

She drove everywhere (except when other people's kids were in the car).  We drove for hours and hours.

And then came time to take the driver's test.  I think we were both prepared for her to not pass and we would have to start over again.

But she passed!!!

And so we got her a car.

Which she was then able to use to take her older brother to his high school graduation.

It was a great surprise!
