Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Eagle Project

The goal was 100 blessings bags - 50 male and 50 female.

We did that and had some leftover supplies to donate as well. 

Each bag had a hygiene kit, snacks, light, handwritten note for the recipients, thermal socks, warm gloves, blanket, water, and more.  They will be given out to the homeless in Houston. 

Ev helped.  We had to keep checking his bags to make sure he was getting everything.  

Packed and ready to be delivered to NAM, which is a local group that works with the charitable efforts of the area.

A small, but hearty, work crew.  

The bags were color coordinated to indicate male or female.  

And an extra picture of James.  Because I forgot to load it earlier.  
He had a good time and it was a successful project!

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