Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, September 7, 2015

Goodbye Tiny Mouth

Husband and I have naturally tiny mouths.  He had braces for years.  I had braces for years.

And then, when we had children, surprise! - we made tiny mouthed children.

Spencer is finally getting his mouth widened so there will be enough room for his teeth to come in.  And then braces to straighten them.

He's been a pretty good sport about it.  

Sorry kid.    

We had to wait for enough molars to come in.  He doesn't even have six year molars on one jaw yet!  Again.  Late blooming.  That would be our fault as well.  Sorry Spence.

Riley will get his expanders in six months.  He wanted to watch the whole process so he could prepare.  He also plans to eat as much gummy candy as possible in the next few months. 

And we're off to the braces...

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