Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, October 26, 2015

Impromptu Game Time

Every year my husband goes to the Utah vs. USC game with my Dad.  It's their thing.

This year though the game was on Riley's birthday weekend and with husband traveling like crazy we decided to have that weekend for Riley's birthday instead. 

Then someone offered Husband two tickets at cost to the game.  Husband wanted to take my Dad.  But with husband out of town on Riley's actual birthday I told him that it was important to spend time with Riley that night.  Again, he agreed.

Then two days before the game, someone else offered four tickets to the game for free.

So Riley got to the game with his dad and brothers.  

My Dad got screwed this year.  Sorry Dad!  But, at least Riley got to spend the night with his Dad.  And since Utah lost big time, my Dad can still gloat like crazy. 

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