Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


He has no idea what is about to go on...

Yes.  Spencer did speak in a psychotic crazy laughing voice all night.

He was fairly normal.

Yes.  James did speak in a gravelly Batman voice all night.

 And yes, James did pick out Baby's costume to match his.  Those two...

 Guess what I am...
1) The Red Queen
2) Harley Quinn - Princess Style
3) A Good Princess
4) A Dead Princess - No Paling Makeup Necessary as I come in original Pale Ghost Shade

My Posse

 Batman James played with the swegways and then helped the little kids use them.  He was very patient.

Robin Ev stole my tiara.  Repeatedly.

 Spencer Joker helped out with this game...

Here is Batman helping kids with swegging.  Is that a word?

The boys enjoyed dinner.

Husband, who usually decorates the car, was unavailable.  So I did the best I could.  

This is Steve and his dog, Sparky.

Steve is reading 'In the Graveyard' by bloody flickering candlelight.  I was pleased with it.

Poor Steve's head kept turning backward on its own.  Or did he have supernatural help...?  Bwa ha ha!

Joker and his Steampunk friend, T

Robin Ev kept finding his way onto cute girl's laps.  The boy wonder has no shame.

He is also smart.  Took him just a car or two to figure out the whole candy thing.  Boy was he happy!

Post Trunk-or-Treat.  I think he is ready for another go on Saturday.

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