Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Broken Window (Fallacy)

Well...it was bound to happen.  Actually surprised it didn't happen sooner, what with four boys running around. 

A bat and a ball led to a broken window. 

And before you start harping that this is stimulating to the economy because now I have to pay the window man to repair the window, thereby moving more money into the system, I scream fallacy.  I definitely would have found a better use for this money.  

But at least slugger Riley didn't do more damage.


We spent Easter in Arizona with P and G.

They set up a hunt for the boys and made some of them really tough.

This guy actually relaxed for once.  He typically works throughout most vacations.

Ev liked getting his finger wet...

...and then coloring on the light top with the water.

My Pack of Boys

Ev played in the water too much and got his shorts wet.  He was shy at first.  Then he got used to a diaper only.  

P and G made a delicious Easter dinner.

Ev liked sliding on P's garage floor.

And James and Husband found electric bikes to try out. 

We forgot to take a picture of everyone.  Aaargh!  

Oh well.  It was a lovely, chill weekend.

They Grow Up So Fast...


Penelope came for her spring break.  We had a lot of chill down time and enjoyed her presence.  

Homemade Sliders by Dad

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Almost as Good as Disneyland...

After the hunt, the kids played with nerf guns and swords and ate candy.  Then James loaded the two little ones in a bike carriage and took them around and around for quite a while.  They got to shoot lots of things with their laser guns.  

Thanks James!  

Easter Egg Hunt

We are going to be busy for Easter and so I wasn't sure if we were going to do a hunt.  We turned down two invitations (sadly) because of conflicts.  So Saturday morning the boys and I awoke and went about our day.  At about 11:30, we just decided to have a hunt that day.  So we got some candy, invited friends, stuffed some eggs, and had a blast. 

Totally unexpected adventure but so fun!