Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Friday, March 18, 2016

Picnic at School

Riley woke up early this morning.  

He said, "Do you have any idea how awesome today is going to be, Mom?"

I smiled.

Today was the day of the school picnic and book fair.  And Riley had requested a lunchable for the picnic.  I never let him eat that stuff.  But...

Our friend, L, sat with us.  And showed us a neat trick of eating all the lunchable ingredients in one bite.  It was very impressive!

Spencer enjoyed his special drink. 

Riley enjoyed his lunchable with two airheads.

And Ev enjoyed crackers, cookies, and special drinks.

After lunch we went to the book fair and had a grand time.  You can't set us free at a book fair and not expect a few purchases.  So fun!

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