Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

ZNP - Exhausted

The boys were exhausted after their hikes and throwing rocks for hours.  We went back to camp for dinner and brownies.

I got a cabin this time.  I don't mind camping.  But I didn't want to end up sick on a community camp bathroom.  It is just not as classy as I would like it to be.  And since I never know when an attack will hit, husband got me a room.  With a private bathroom.  And real beds.  And air conditioning. 

Yep.  I'm never going back to pure camping.  Must find a cabin to take with me everywhere.

Every night some of the boys would join me in the cabin.  They all took turns.

I ended up not getting an attack while camping.  It hit the day we left as we were driving through Vegas.  Thank goodness for emergency meds.  I took the max dose for a day in about ten minutes and was able to help empty the car when we got home.  It was a quick bounce back.  Way better than usual.  

Probably because I had just been in my happy place.  And I had slept in a dream cabin.

Must find a cabin that travels...

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