Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cupcake Time!

Alright, I will admit it.  This first try was a complete parent fail. 

We waited for Dad to get home from work so we could celebrate together.  Usually not a problem as Ev is typically hitting his 20th wind at 9pm.  Not today however.  He was tired and wanted nothing to do with cupcakes and singing.

Yep.  Complete fail.  

Husband whisked him up to bed and the rest of the boys got a cupcake.

Next day, take two.  

And yes, he is wearing the same outfit.  Apparently when Dad put him down, he thought the kid was too tired for the whole bedtime routine.  Probably correct.  Anyway, no judging. 

Much happier boy today.

He knows how to blow on his hot food to cool it down and he tried so hard to blow out his candles but eventually he needed help.  Maybe next year, kid.

Sugar high...

After his sugar high, he opened his presents.  

He loved the cards and the clothes.  However, his favorites were the pictures sent by his birth grandma of his first family.  He looked at them and we talked about who everyone in the pictures were.  

I was grateful for the pictures as well.

His roots are just as important as his branches and we try to honor all parts of his tree.  He is very lucky to be loved by so many.


This night I got him a bottle.  He drank it and then brought it to me.  "More?" I asked using sign language.  He started to sign 'more' back to me, but then he said, "I night-night."


For a kid who has given me hell most night times since we moved, this was a refreshing sign of maturity.   

Happy Birthday!

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