I felt good about releasing Emberlin.
Good, in between panic attacks anyway.
But, then I started to feel guilty. Who launches a three volume novel that is over 100,000 words at people they call friends and family?
Me. Apparently.
So I decided to turn into a publishing monster and release one of my novellas. It is only 18,000 words and has a handful of characters to keep track of. Just in case someone doesn't want to spend the next four years reading one book. You can try Domino instead of Emberlin.

Here is a brief synopsis:
Domino, a Novella
After exchanging love letters with the shy bartender, through her new friend, Amaryllis, Ashley follows her friend's advice and marries him.
James married the girl that his mother asked him to, for the sake of a legal issue.
Too bad they married each other, both under mistaken understandings. And, to make matters more complicated, the person who orchestrated the union, has mysteriously disappeared.
Will Ashley and James come together to unravel hurt feelings, confusion, and the legal wrangling that comes with divorce?
A special shout out to my readers for this project: Emily, Heidi, Chelsea, and Abe.
And an extra special shout out to Chelsea Romney who has always encouraged me (for good or bad - it's your call) in my writing. She has read more versions and more manuscripts than anyone, even my husband.
Even if these fail miserably and I never publish again, I am grateful to Chelsea and all my other readers for putting up with my quirky tendency to force ms's on them. You are the best!
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