Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, May 31, 2015

When There Are No Electronics to Play With...

We don't have tv but we do have dvd's, video games, and netflix.  And youtube.  So it is not like they cannot always find something that interests them.  But they are boys and they need to go explore.  They were not made to sit in front of a screen all day.  

Sometimes I tell the boys 'no electronics'.  Go out and play.  Paint something.  Build something.  Go do something that does not include a remote or a battery. Unless you are building a battery powered robot or something.  In that case, carry on.

The other day was a no electronic time.

I heard...

"Hey, Mom!  Come Look!"

Riley had stuck all his 'friends' upside down in the bunk bed...

...so that he could punch them...

...perhaps telling the boys no electronics that day was a mistake.  Not sure this is better than being glued to a video game.

Inventive?  Yes.
Concerning?  Yes.

Today I told them no electronics again.  

I have two boys using power saws in the backyard to break down some hefty furniture boxes for the recycling bin.

Inventive?  Yes.
Concerning? We'll see.  

If no one loses a limb, it will be fine.  However...

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