Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Awards Ceremonies

I was very surprised to receive a notice that both of my elementary aged boys were to receive awards at school.

I'm fairly certain that Riley has never (or maybe once?) won an award and Spencer is almost as sparse.

They didn't tell us what the awards were for so we went to find out.

Riley got an award for behavior.  Let me say that again.  RILEY, my future dictator, got an award for good behavior. 

I was very proud of him.

And later, Spencer got two academic awards.  Which would normally be expected.  He's rather brilliant.  Except that he has been very ill since we moved and has missed more than three weeks of school.  And yet he still managed a 3.7 gpa and 168 reading counts points, which is even more impressive when you know that we didn't know anything about the program and only figured it out the last couple of weeks.  They needed 40 points to get an A+.  I think he nailed that one pretty well. 

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