Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Someone's Got My Number...

I readily admit that I am very type A.  
I readily admit that if you look at my closet or drawers you will find them sorted by color and then style.  


So it was with some humor that I noticed what one of my sons did to my shoes to show me he was mad at me.

He mixed my shoes up.  Put wrong colors and matches together.  

Almost makes my eyes bleed to look at this picture...

I tracked him down and politely told him to fix his mess.

He fixed it.

Ahhhh...much better.

A few mess ups but I can handle those and get it completely right.

But I did find it funny (and worrisome) that this child knew how to screw with me.  I'm not ready for psychological warfare with this kid.

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