Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cars, Reading, and Selfies

I wanted to note that the boys were adamant that I give them a light to read by while I drove at night.  They had books to read, adventures to experience.  

It should be further noted that the oldest could barely read at nine, and certainly didn't understand any of the words he had just fumbled through.  
What a difference a few years and a lot of incentives can do.  He practically rips my head off if I politely offer to set his current book aside at any time.

And the other one has always read well enough but refused to read large books.  Why?  Because he is Riley.  
Until now. Look how big that book is!

Two more children, well on the road to book addiction.  
My work here is almost complete...bwa ha ha!

And then they took some selfies.

Yep.  That's a keeper James.

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