Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sick House

My boys have been sick.  


Husband got sick on his business trip and came home dragging.  Normally an illness puts him down for oh...forty-five minutes or so.  This time...it's been five days and counting.  
Welcome to the real world. 

Riley went down with this particular bout first on Saturday afternoon.  Starts with a vicious headache.  Turns into a fever and stomach pain.  

On Sunday afternoon Sterling was hit upside the head.

Riley asked for my homemade chicken noodle soup.

Asked.  Repeatedly.

Normally they act like I am trying to kill them if I offer them some of my amazing soup.  I can't even spell S-O-U-P without them falling to the ground dramatically.  

This must be serious.

I headed off to sprouts for the finest organic ingredients.  (I left out the basil for this batch because I didn't want to hear boys complaining about floating green things.)

"That smells good," Riley complimented as it simmered.  

Who is this child?!

Well, when it was done, I offered to get Riley some.  Sterling was still behind in the illness and I wasn't sure his stomach could handle it.

Riley wanted a full bowl.  

Which he ate.

And Sterling wanted some as well.  He ate the whole bowl and told me it was amazing.  

Who are these imposters?!

And how long can I keep them?

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