Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Five Minutes

I sat down to eat my breakfast this morning.  Baby Ev had already had breakfast so he was wandering around the kitchen.  As I was eating, he brought me a small bag of cheez-its to open.  

"Oh?  Still hungry?" I asked, opening the bag for him.

I turned back to my next bite of cereal and then I heard the sound of dozens of crackers hitting the floor.  I turned to look at him.  He was pleased as punch.  Then he took his trusty wooden dowel and proceeded to try to scatter the crackers as far and wide as possible.  

For Pete's sake!  Can a girl not eat a bowl of cereal without a mess being made?

And where does that wooden dowel come from?  From the door handle.  Long ago, Ev mastered how to remove it for his own amusement. 

Well.  You are 18 now, Kid.  Months, not years.  But still.  Old enough to do the crime - old enough to do the time.  And in this case that means vacuuming up your own mess.  

Which may or may not prove to be a deterrent in the future.  He really enjoyed playing with Mommy's toy.  Perhaps a little too much. 

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