Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Ballad of the Stool Rehab

The boys have used the stools pretty good over the last decade.  They were getting super gross.  However, they are still good, sturdy standing blocks...so I decided to rehab them.  

I started by sanding the yuck off of them.  I hate sanding.  And yet, if you are going to do something you might as well do it right.  So I sanded until my arms were going to fall off.  This was mid sand.  You can already see a huge difference when you scrub off the layers of boy grime. 

Then I took them outside for a little stain.  I applied a preconditioner first and then the color.  Since I was only using products I had on hand, the stools got a nice rich stain color.  

After they dried and I applied a top gloss coat, they were finished. 

Now they are looking pretty spiffy.  So spiffy, in fact, that I haven't yet put them back in the bathrooms.  Now I think they are too nice looking to let the boys use them.  

Best laid plans...

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