Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hobbies and Dealers

Prince Riley, my shark nut, got a shark week DVD for Christmas.

He watched it for a while.

"Well, what do you think?" I made the mistake of asking.

With contempt, he answered, "This sucks!  They don't show anyone getting eaten."

So...probably not the prince you want to run into in a dark alley at night.  

And he has added Jaws to the amazon wish list.  

Yeah.  I don't think so.


I just realized that most days after school, Riley asks, "Find any good shark attack stories today, Mom?"

I don't know why I just got this.  Maybe since he is home all day right now and I just realized how much he brings the topic up.  

Anyway, I also realized that any time I come across a shark story, I mark it for him.  

So we are apparently locked into this together.  I supply his crack.  He consumes it and then tells me if it was cool enough. 


Why can't he be attracted to a hobby like telling his mom how incredible her red hair is?  I could really get behind that kind of daily activity. 

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