Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, November 30, 2015

First Christmas

Since most of us resemble hobbits, we decided to do two Christmases.  Just kidding.  We do a first Christmas at Thanksgiving because that is when I see my family and it has become a fun tradition.

Husband and I decided to bring the flu this year.  We brought the gift that keeps giving.  Aren't we lovely?  I am honestly surprised that none of my family chucked us out of the house.  Instead they were very helpful with the baby and forgiving of our moans and coughs.

This kid figured out how to open gifts this time.  Hello new world!

And here he is vogueing in is new Yoda hat.  Do you think he has any idea how cute he is?

Yes.  Yes he does.

We had a great time with my family.  

And don't worry about the scratchy throats you will get.  
It will pass.  
I hope.

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