Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Dinner


I have no idea what these two were up to...but it was probably funny...

Ir was getting into the food before we started.

Then she was making a plate!  

I took pictures as evidence.  

Turns out she was making a plate to thank the neighbors for something.  

My bad.  Plus Ir has never really been a rotten person so I should have known there was a story behind her odd shenanigans.

Still funny though!

Getting down to business...

C specifically told me that I could take pictures of her when she was eating because she was 'cute' then.  I agree.

This kid was totally loved up.  And he loved the attention the whole time!

My grandma used to make pumpkin pies and lemon meringue pies for Thanksgiving every year.  After she passed we experimented with other pies but this year H learned how to make lemon meringue to go with the pumpkin.  Brought back good memories.

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