Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, November 1, 2015

This is Halloween, This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween...

Decorating for Halloween Night...

I like how James wears his socks without shoes outside.  All the time.  Despite my delightful reminders to do the opposite.  Teenagers are such good listeners...

And I love the face he is making here...priceless.

Our neighbor made this giant spider, put it on cords to move up and down, and freaked out the neighborhood kids.  It was awesome!!!

This kid was ready for another go.  He really liked dressing up and getting candy the last time...

If you will notice, he is also walking around outside in just socks...sigh.

Me and My Old Boyfriend  

Me in a different costume than before.  Because that's the way I roll at Halloween...

My most mellow kid playing a psychotic and chaotic character with absolute relish...

And one of my wildest kids, playing a nice, helpful, valiant guy...

Husband and his Batman shirt.

Ev looking through his candy from the trunk-or-treat a few nights before.  

He came home from trick-or-treating with twice as much!  

My oldest, playing Batman, complete with voice all night long...and today....

Britt and Me.  

I loved her Carmen Sandiego costume.  

Where in the world is she?  Right here.  Come and get her before she and her henchman takeoff.

Really enjoyed seeing everyone for trick-or-treating.  I love Halloween.  And this was another one for the books. 

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