Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Thursday, November 12, 2015

New (To Us) Shelf

There was a small metal shelf in one of the boys room's that we have had forever.  And it has been great.  But it started to die.  The thin metal was literally melting under the weight of a few blankets. 

Then a friend was giving away a nice wood shelf that she didn't need anymore.

I grabbed it!

I cleaned it, sanded it, painted it, painted it, and painted it some more.  I've seriously been painting for weeks.  A women at church noticed paint in my hair two weeks ago.  Yep.  That's me.  The careless painter girl.

And now Ev has a sturdy new shelf for his room, with lots of space.  
(I let James pick who got the heart shelf.  He figured Ev would want it.)

And this is the cleanest it will ever look.  Because Ev has a habit of taking his pictures of his birth family and walking around the house with them.  Or pulling all the blankets out just to see Mom's eyes get really, really big.  

I plan to put more of his pics in frames now that we have the shelf space for him.

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