Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Bed Fit for a Prince

James got a new bed.

He has this terrible habit of growing and it made him kind of stuffed in a twin.

So with the move, we got him a bigger bed.  
(And a new dresser with matching side table.  All of it from a friend.  Thanks Ron!) 

And I made the bed look awesome for him.

Looks delicious and inviting, no?

After his first night sleeping, I asked how it went.  

"I'm too big for the bed," he said.

"What do you mean you are too big?  You were just sleeping in a smaller bed.  This should feel large by comparison."

"My feet were hanging off the end."

Ugh.  "Here's a thought, stop growing."

He laughed.

"And learn to sleep diagonally." 

He pondered that thought.

"Was it comfortable to sleep on, at least?"

"Yeah.  It was super comfortable.  Just short."

"Yep.  You need to stop growing immediately."

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