Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Where Are We?

Well...we've hit the mid-stage.  

The living room is still in boxes as we try to figure out how to do the bookshelves we want.  

Neither of our two favorite paintings would fit in the prime spot over the mantle so we had to leave that area blank for now.  

We've hung a few pictures and we are getting ready to have the stovetop replaced this week.  (The old one was broken before we moved in.) 

Here are some of the pictures that have found a home.  Probably.  I maintain the right to move them around.

Husband got his first lawnmower and can't wait (I'm sure!) to try it out this week.  He and Spencer are also learning how to take care of the pool chemicals.  

We still have to hang curtains and the bathroom door is on order so...hopefully that comes very soon.

Still can't get the home phone to work (I know!  We are so old-fashioned!).  But we did get internet up so that's a plus.

That's about where we are.  It feels like we are just getting our feet under us.

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