Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015

Stories read this year?  125.  
Not my highest amount in a year but I also worked on my writing projects.

Writing projects put into the world as a ridiculous dare to myself to honor my 36 years of life?  4. 
 Many more sitting on the shelves.  But it felt good to let go of a few.  Good and scary.  May have spent a day or two cowering under the bed sheets.  But glad I took that step. 

Relationships gained, renewed, and strengthened?  Many, many, many.  I feel so blessed to be surrounded by amazing people.  

Favorite dream come true?  My custom bookshelf with sliding ladder.  May sound shallow.  But I looooovvvveee my books.

Development that gives me the most hope?  Annabelle's acceptance of some help.  Maybe it is naive to hope.  But I can't help it.  Hope is better than despair.    

Best Christmas gift? Having Trevor and Penelope be able to join us.  

Biggest disappointment? Having to get iv fluids this year.  Almost made it a whole year without a significant, er necessary breakdown.  Until this last week.  Still.  One visit in 12 months?  I guess I should be proud.  Now I just have to figure out how to add sugars and fats back into my diet.  Looking forward to some weight gain.  And hoping for an understanding of what causes a healthy person's body to act so weird.  Here's to gaining some knowledge in 2016.  

Surprise change of 2015?  Deciding to homeschool my son.  I always had a favorable view of the idea and I like competition in education.  But I never would have thought that I would homeschool the kid that I did.  But his health shifted after the move and so we shifted too.  Great choice.  

I love my family and friends.  I am so blessed to know them and to have them in my life.  I am blessed to have the extra relationships extending from our adoptions.  They are so vital.  I feel richly fulfilled by all our adventures and I look forward to an equally adventurous 2016.

Happy New Year!


New Boy Energy Drainer

At least I hope it drains some of their energy.  We will see.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Eve and Day

For Christmas Eve, we spent time with Husband's family.

Some of the kids got a little excited about all the martinelli's flowing.

Husband's mom made an incredible meal.  We all helped a little but she really blew it out of the park. 

 And they surprised Princess Penelope with a cake and candles and gift.  It was so thoughtful and melted my heart.  So much kindness!

Ev discovered fudge.  And he likes it.  A lot.

James may have overeaten slightly. 

We had a great time visiting with Husband's family and returned home with tired kids. 


The kids were not allowed to bother me until 9am.  At 9am, we got a knock on the door.  Now they decide to be punctual...

Off to open presents.

And someone snacked on more of Grandma E's toffee.

Once Ev figured out what was going on, he got into the spirit of ripping open his gifts.

He got light saber bubbles from his Grandma J.  Ev loves bubbles.  Like loooooovvvveeesss them.

Two of the kids got bikes and they all got lots of clothing and some weapons, games, books, and movies.  They had a good Christmas.

The best part of the day is when K and Anabelle called to facetime for Christmas.  We missed Anabelle this visit.  But we were so happy to see her looking good.  We cannot wait to get together and have another Christmas/Birthday celebration with her. 

We know what an incredible blessing it is for us to have all these people in our lives.  Our families, our kids, our bonus but equal kids, our friends.  The kids CASA's.  We feel so very, very blessed.  They have all come into our lives in different ways and at different times but we truly love them.  And we feel so loved in return.  

I never, never, would have planned my life this way.  I would have planned it neater, easier, more consistent.  I am very type A and good at organizing everything just so...

But God knew better.  He knew the adventures, the trials, the blessings that we needed to help us learn and grow and to feel gratitude for.  I have learned so much from all the hills and valleys of our life.  And there were some days that seemed so hard, so dark.  I love Elder Holland's talk when he spoke of having courage to keep going.  It is so hard to keep going when it is is dark and you feel like you have failed.  But we kept going.  One foot in front of the other.  And life today isn't neater or easier in so many ways.  Everyone has their struggles.  But it is rich and colorful.  And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole world.  Not anything.   

Birthday Extravaganza!

Princess Penelope turned eighteen this visit.  

And since her birthday is on the Eve of a major holiday, we decided to do a two-day extravaganza, just so she knew she was super loved up.  December birthdays get screwed.

But not this time!

Husband took her and her brothers out for sushi. 

The kids and the Digi's and I went to a burger joint close by.

Then we met up and went to ice cream.

The next day was her birthday.  We did presents in the morning.

She had an in between birthday celebration and then we came home and lit a donut on fire for her.

Literally.  She is 18 now.  That is pretty old.  And candle crazy for a donut.

Happy Birthday, Princess Penelope.  We hope your wishes come true!