Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, December 7, 2015

Work Party

All right, I will admit it.  I hate work functions.  There is always delicious food that I cannot eat and lots of people that I hate to put my foot in my mouth in front of.  I don't drink but I do have an odd sense of humor and...well...it's happened a time or two in the past.  

But this year, I had no excuse to miss the holiday party.  So I got a sitter and went.

And had a lot of fun.  

Husband ordered me a special steamed meal so I could pretend I was normal and eat with people.  He is amazing!

I wore heels for the first time since I sprained my foot and even though my foot was still sore, we got out on the dance floor and danced to some swing.  I was sore the next day...but it was worth it.

Husband got the road warrior award because he travels so much.  Not sure that is a good thing...but the company is sending us to Disneyland so....I'll take it.

 Husband and his American finance team.  He has employees in three countries (which is why he travels so much).  

In the end, it was a very fun party and I was glad we went.  So I will just say this once.  Husband was right.

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