Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Friday, December 25, 2015

Birthday Extravaganza!

Princess Penelope turned eighteen this visit.  

And since her birthday is on the Eve of a major holiday, we decided to do a two-day extravaganza, just so she knew she was super loved up.  December birthdays get screwed.

But not this time!

Husband took her and her brothers out for sushi. 

The kids and the Digi's and I went to a burger joint close by.

Then we met up and went to ice cream.

The next day was her birthday.  We did presents in the morning.

She had an in between birthday celebration and then we came home and lit a donut on fire for her.

Literally.  She is 18 now.  That is pretty old.  And candle crazy for a donut.

Happy Birthday, Princess Penelope.  We hope your wishes come true!

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