Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Color Fun

Spencer wanted to experiment with hair color.  

Which, if you know me, I am totally fine with that. 

I think hair color is fun to play with and I like the wild colors the best.  Always have.

This experiment was a purple red.  Yummy!  We will also try a wild red, blue, and maybe orange.  Sometimes it is nice to be home schooled.  No finicky school rules about cool hair colors.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man…I wish we could have done this at Thanksmas! It turned out great!! I love the purply red! =] I'm finally getting around to going through your blog. You're so good at keeping up with it. I still need to back blog from 2011…what?! =\ Looks like you guys had a great Christmas and New Years. I'm so jealous of the swimming in February!!
