Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas Tree Mania

Husband and I have had one real tree in our whole marriage.  Which is not really notable, except that growing up, I always had a real tree.  Fake trees were foreign to me.  But, after that first time, Husband was grumpy about pine needles and we may have killed a vacuum.  Which is a pretty expensive murder when you are poor college students.  

So a few years into our marriage, we splurged and got a very skinny, fake tree.  

Which actually was kind of awesome.  It always made the presents look huge by comparison and there were no more appliance murders.  

Sure, I've always missed the smell of a real tree, but I adjusted. 

And then husband surprised me this year by suggesting we get a real tree.  We have hardwood floors, he reasoned.  Easy to sweep.

Uh...okay.  Sounds good to me.

So I cleared a space.  Which we had to make bigger.  I am so used to our humble little skinny tree...I had no idea.

Yes.  We have had a tree stand even though we have only had one tree.  Actually, Husband had it before we married.  And we've shlepped it around to every place we have lived for the last fifteen years.

Baby decided to adjust the screws after his daddy already set them.  Isn't he nice?

Yep.  Happy to be of service.

Teenage boys are great.  Especially this one.

Me?  I wore my elf shirt and watched.  

Riley did not like the tree.  Until he realized that you cut the strings off so the branches come out.  We've been depriving our children of basic Christmas tree knowledge. 

Uh...way bigger than I thought.  We just got the Costco basic.  This thing is huge!

Ev wore his Santa socks when we trimmed the tree.

We put candy canes on the tree.  And then remembered that we have a two year old.

This is our humble little tree.  We designated it the secret santa, C's 18th birthday, and Jesus birthday tree.  (We always do something on Christmas Eve about the gifts of Christ.)

Can you tell a size difference from what we are used to?

And back to the two year old candy cane thief.   Yep.  We had to take all the candy canes off the lower branches and put them higher.  

Well...I don't know if we well ever do a real tree again.  But for now, we are enjoying the smell.

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