Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Collections Night

At scouts, they were supposed to bring a collection of something to share.  

As our house is mostly packed, we had limited options.  Riley made a book collection but then had a meltdown two days later because it just 'wasn't right'.  

So I made some other suggestions.  One of the things not packed yet was sword corner.  I suggested something from there.  His eyes lit up.

I put him under strict orders that these were not for playing with at scouts.  He agreed.  He always agrees.  But he often has poor self control in execution.  

Surprise, surprise.  He actually followed directions and only took the swords out during his sharing time. 

All the boys did a great job sharing and none of them had the same thing.  What a good night!  

The adult who helped me took pictures of boys with their collections.  Thanks E!

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