Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, February 16, 2015


For months now, Baby Ev has been overly interested in bathrooms.  He loves them.  He loves the faucet with the water, he loves the flushing toilet, he loves locking himself in.  So for months now, we've done our best to always keep the bathroom doors shut.

But like a shark that smells blood in the water and them hones in on the target, Ev has a sixth sense to know if one of the doors hasn't been completely latched shut.  He'll scamper off.  We'll hear a door shut, water being turned on, splashed around, toilets flushing.  And we will know that this work is not to be blamed on Steve the Ghost.  It's Ev.  Always.

And after he took advantage of a breach yet again yesterday, I was reminded of this sketch.

He may be no more interested in sewage then other people...then again, he may be a little more interested than other people.

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