Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

They Had Better Not Screw This Up...

Just read that they are making an adaptation of Lady Susan.  They are calling it Love and Friendship.

Lady Susan is one of my favorite Jane Austen stories.

It is short and delicious, featuring the main character, Lady Susan, who is evil and devious.  And yet, you can't help but admire her wits and daring.

Lady Susan is a fantastic character, mainly because she uses her evil wits to fight against the path that was available to women.  I'm not saying I agree with her manipulative methods or that I condone her schemes.  But...she stands out as a different kind of woman in the regency era.  She doesn't faint dead away at the barest hint of an impasse.  She charges forward like a brave, if not also crooked, commander on a battlefield.

The story is an epistolary novel which means it is told in letters from one character to another.  Like I mentioned it is very short, only 44 letters if I remember correctly.  But is filled with twists and turns with an able sister-in-law ready to match Lady Susan wit for wit, as Catherine tries to protect her family from Lady Susan's naughty machinations.

With regard to the adaptation...

Thus far I find the title change worrisome as it seems they plan to take great liberties, the casting dubious with only one or two characters that seem to make sense, and a little seed of doubt growing ever larger the longer I think about it.

Please, please don't ruin this story...

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