Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, February 23, 2015

Packing Adventures

Ev likes the boxes.

So how is packing going?

Well combine a small addiction to books with a large addiction to legos, swords, nerf guns, and bikes, and you have a heck of a job in front of you.

I keep looking for a magic wand that will make all the boxes pack themselves.  But packing boxes helps me purge as much as possible...so I guess there is a point to no magic wand mysteriously and gloriously showing up.  I've gotten rid of about 50 books so far.  (Which is small in the grand scale...but I'm sure I get some brownie points for that...)  

James has been a champ taking all the boxes out to the garage to free up space for me to continue packing.  (And don't I get some brownie points for having a garage that is empty enough that it can store over a hundred boxes at the moment?)  

Here's a fun fact:  
When you remove just over three thousand (yes, I'll cop to it) physical books from a house, the house starts to sound echo-y.  And a lot colder.

So our house is chilly and echo-y right now.  

At least Ev is enjoying the boxes.

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