Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Man and His Toys (With Friends)

Everett is addicted to his new golf course and basketball court.

It's his domain and he loves it.  In fact, if we try to take him in, say to save him from heatstroke, or to feed him a meal, or to put him to bed, he says, "Ow, ow, ow," as if he is being physically hurt by the idea of leaving his precious play areas.

He is not being physically hurt...but metaphorically...it seems like he feels the pain of separation.

Anyway, he gets to play outside every day and here are some recent shots with him and his friends.

Ev figured out long ago how to open the gate from either side.  Sigh.  Here he is, passing on this valuable knowledge to his friend. 

And here he is, realizing that Mom is on to him.  Again.  What a scamp... 

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