Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Baseball Season

We found an easygoing sport schedule for Riley to try a group sport.  We've never done it before because he doesn't interact well (without being controlling) with other children.  But, he is a little older now so we thought we would give it a try.

Yes.  He insists on often wearing his glove on the wrong hand.  Because he was born knowing everything and needs to learn nothing.

He is still awfully cute though.

The people next to us had some wiffle balls and they set their chair up like a basketball hoop for baby.  He was in heaven.  

And had no qualms about walking on the field to retrieve his ball.  We'll work on that. 

Turns out Riley has some natural skill.  He fielded well, threw well, and batted well.  

He also tried to tell the other children what to do.  Which brought on a quiet but firm reminder from his mama that he was not the coach, that he was there to have fun, and that he could only say something if it showed good sportsmanship.  He did much better after the reminder.

This ball got him a home run.  For a tiny guy he really was able to put some power behind his hits.

Running the bases...

So...for a first time in a group sport...not bad.  He was mouthy and dictatorial in the beginning but calmed down.  I'll take it as a good start.

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