Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Little Moving Around...

Our couch is dying.  It is solid but the fabric is breaking down and peeling.  I can sew but not well enough to bring it back to life.  Not the arms anyway.  Maybe the cushions.  

And the coffee table has been with us since we bought it as poor college students in the scratch and dent section for $50 (with a second table included) fifteen years ago.  

So they are not as pretty as they used to be.  

But I moved some furniture around and pushed the couch back a little to show some of the fireplace.  I also added a chair from upstairs to add a little extra seating.  That chair has been with us at least a decade.  Thank you, Ikea!  

Now I just need to sort through all the bins and get rid of media the kids don't use or need anymore.

I hate banged up furniture but I have four boys and the thought of buying new right now makes me want to cringe.  They would do something to slightly muss the new stuff and I would lose it.  Wailing and gnashing of teeth for sure. 

So we live with the scratches and dents and comfortability of imperfect.  Now if only I could find a way to save the armrests of the couch...anyone know any tricks to keep faux leather from peeling?  If I could figure that out, I would muster the courage to cover the cushions with new fabric.   

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