Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Friday, April 15, 2016

Engineering Challenge

James won an engineering challenge for his school.

The Principal invited us to come to the school board meeting to see him be honored.

Two representatives from the Engineering company came out to the award the group. 

They had to devise a structure using very simple supplies (paper, paperclips, popsicle sticks, etc) that would sort large marbles from small marbles into different cups.  They were penalized for every extra piece they used so they had to be careful how much supplies they used to sort the marbles. 

Their group earned $1000 for their STEM program at school.

James demonstrated the device for the audience and the school board members.  After a nervous start, where marbles of two sizes went rolling everywhere as James moved them from their supply bag to a working cup, everyone collected the marbles and James put them into the device which worked perfectly.  

I am so proud of this kid.  

He used the opportunity to ask for cell service.  That's my boy...

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