Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Thursday, April 7, 2016

New Family Room

I found an old picture of the family room.  We had bookshelves lining the front and side walls.  It looked very full.

Husband moved the room around and I added a red rug that we bought when we first moved and a chair from upstairs.  Then I pushed the couch over to show the fireplace and I replaced the old square coffee table with the old rectangle coffee table.  

Better.  But still lacking something.  

And the couch textiles were falling apart...they'd seen a lot of wild boy action over the last five years.

Not to mention Annabelle's old habit of pulling the fringe out of the pillows.  I tried to explain that the fringe was like barbie hair - it wouldn't grow back.  But still...

I'm not sure if she did it on purpose but the fringe was definitely thinned. 

And the armrests had seen much, much better days...

 I rehabbed the armrests, scrubbed the cushions and washed them, fixed the coloring on the cushion trim, and covered the pillows with a bright, new palette. 

I think I love it!

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