We love when the Digi's come to visit!
Unfortunately, I went down on the second day (and Spencer was throwing up for the first half of that day). It sucked.
I called a friend to take kids to school. That was great!
But, I couldn't hang out with my friend who was visiting.
And she had to take care of Baby while Spencer and I were trying to get through it. That wasn't great.
Thankfully, she is amazing and rolled with it. I seriously cannot imagine life without the Digi's. We have a few friends that we are just super compatible with, even if distance is an issue at times, there are just some rock solid families out there that we have been privileged to know...and occasionally see. And who get our senses of humor. And still want to be our friends.
This was just a few hours after Spencer stopped throwing up. He had eaten, was keeping it down, and playing on the trampoline. Amazing. I was still dying up in my room. Several hours after this, I was able to finally sit up. But I was glad he was better. I hate seeing my children sick.
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